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대용량회전농축기 Evaporator

  • 시설장비등록아이디 : Z-201912306062 (제우스 시설장비등록번호 : NFEC-2011-02-140329)
  • 보유기관 : (재)제주테크노파크 / 생물종다양성연구소
  • 제작사/모델명 : Heidolph Instruments / Laborota 20 control compact
  • 활용범위 : 공동활용허용
  • 활용대상 :
  • 예약방법 : 실시간예약
  • 이용방법 :

구성 및 기능

1. Large Scale Evaporator designed for unattended use. The required product (solvate) is automatically be re-filled and the condensate drained off. Self-filling water bath and electronic system allows for use over an unlimited time. 2. Designed for 24 hr continuous use 3. For unattended overnight and weekend applications 4. Affordable alternative to 50 and 100 liter evaporators 5. This model features a 20 liter large scale evaporator with the following standard options: Integrated vacuum sensor and vacuum valve automated distillation with constant pressure or with vapor temperature control 6. 4-head vacuum pump chemically resistant rated at 3m?h final pressure 9mbar 350W. 7. Vacuum pump comes with separator and exhaust waste vapour condenser 8. Automatic product charging: 9. Drive head features weight sensor which is responsible for refilling the evaporation flask according to the amount of solvent distilled off 10. Adjustable max. and min. fill level of evaporating flask 11. Charging of product controlle

사용 예

실시간 예약 후 사용 가능

이용료 안내

장비 사용료 관련 안내




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